Mission Statement
Rye Country Day School is a coeducational, college preparatory school dedicated to providing students from Pre-Kindergarten through Grade 12 with an excellent education using both traditional and innovative approaches. In a nurturing and supportive environment, we offer a challenging program that stimulates individuals to achieve their maximum potential through academic, athletic, creative, and social endeavors. We are actively committed to diversity. We expect and promote moral responsibility and strive to develop strength of character within a respectful school community. Our goal is to foster a lifelong passion for learning, understanding, and service in an ever-changing world.
Not for Self, but for Service.
Core Values
Respect and Responsibility
Commitment to Personal & Academic Excellence
Diversity within an Inclusive Community
A superior education embraces the concept that to educate is to do more than to teach. We regard the student as a whole person and seek to assist each in fulfilling his or her potential for personal growth by providing an environment that nourishes cultural, social, and physical needs, as well as moral and ethical sensitivities, thus helping our young men and women to define an image of themselves that they can accept and respect.
Academically, the School offers a comprehensive program enabling students to think independently, to write and speak with clarity, and to appreciate the values and joys of the humanities, the arts, and the sciences. We hope that our students will graduate from Rye Country Day School with a feeling of self-confidence and pride in their particular talents, capable of attending the colleges of their choice and well prepared for what lies ahead.
It is our belief that the education of young people should encompass cultural, athletic, and communal experiences that stress the responsibility of each individual for the life and spirit of the whole community, resulting in a graduate able to face the world with confidence, to compete effectively, and to contribute meaningfully to society. RCDS's objectives are pursued by dealing with students as individuals, nurturing their abilities, challenging each to do his or her best, and offering a multitude of opportunities for academic, cultural, and personal growth. Rye Country Day School strives to celebrate the individual and to provide a substantive, stimulating college preparatory education for a diverse group of intelligent young men and women in an atmosphere that cultivates and challenges the varied potential of all students.