A Pre-Kindergarten - Grade 12 co-educational independent day school in Westchester County, New York

Student Support

At Rye Country Day, supporting students along their multifaceted journey from dependent to independent learners is a team effort.

Throughout their journey, students may need varying kinds of support in order to succeed academically, socially, and emotionally. Every student has a support team that works together to regularly monitor progress and offer specialized support when needed.

Our Student Support Services team is comprised of specialists attuned to the developmental needs of students. Offering layers of academic, social, and emotional support, the support team helps students work independently, collaboratively, and confidently.

Learning Specialists

At every grade level, faculty are sensitive to the variety of learning styles and the potential for learning differences that may require support beyond the classroom. To determine the need for additional support, the principal, assistant principal, grade-level dean, advisor, counselor, learning specialist, alongside the child's parents/guardians, collaborate to identify specific skills and strategies that will help the child meet learning standards and expectations.

The goal of learning support services is to quickly help a student with relatively minor learning issues to master the skills needed to function independently. Students with more involved difficulties may be referred for an outside evaluation and/or more intensive remediation.

Learning Support Services Team

Leif Halverson

Upper School Learning Specialist
Phone: (914) 925-4622

Libby Jelliffe

Director of Learning Support Services, Middle School Learning Specialist

Phone: (914) 925-4556

Alexandra Kerker

Lower School Learning Specialist

Phone: (914) 925-4559

Tamara McKenna

Middle School Learning Specialist
Phone: (914) 967-1417 ext. 4417 

Andrea McLean

Upper School Learning Specialist

Phone: (914) 925-4533

Sarah Peck '13

Middle School Study Skills Coordinator

Phone: (914) 925-4681

Andrea Rackow

Lower School Math Specialist
Phone: (914) 967-1417 ext. 4823

Jamie Radwan

Lower School Learning Specialist

Phone: (914) 925-4541

Social and Emotional Support

Counseling for non-academic issues is also available in the three divisions of the School. Three psychologists, a social worker, and a mental health counselor provide social and emotional support to students.

The School’s counseling staff consults with administrators, faculty, students, and parents about developmental, behavioral, and emotional issues that affect the progress of the students and the well being of the community.

Counselors :

  • Provide individual short-term counseling
  • Provide referrals to professional resources outside of school
  • Collaborate with and support teachers and advisors
  • Support families in crisis
  • Plan student/parent programming related to the appropriate developmental stage of the student

Counseling Team

Kelly Ann Barker

Lower School Psychologist
Phone: (914) 925-4568

Kamauru Johnson

Director of Counseling Support

Phone: (914) 925-4636

Leiat Klarfeld

Coordinator of Human Development Programs and School Counselor

Phone: (914) 967-1417

Rachel Levey

Upper School Psychologist
Phone: (914) 925-4565

Tim Silverman '89

Middle School Counselor

Phone: (914) 925-4791

Support Networks

Students are supported both emotionally and academically by:

Homeroom Teachers
Principal/Assistant Principal
Learning Specialists
Grade-level Deans
Health Educators
Full-time College Counselors