A Pre-Kindergarten - Grade 12 co-educational independent day school in Westchester County, New York

Sponsor an Internship

About the Summer Internship Program

The Rye Country Day School Summer Internship Program is open to all college-age alumni. It offers opportunities for former students to apply for real-world professional learning experiences, spanning diverse fields such as law, medicine, finance, publishing, theater, fashion, public relations, and government, among others. 
Employers, including companies of all sizes, individuals, non-profits, and government agencies, can sponsor internships to provide valuable learning experiences for students. The hours, duration, and flexibility of the internships are determined by the sponsor, and the positions may be paid or unpaid depending on the nature of the opportunity. Employers will review applicants and make hiring decisions at their discretion.

Sponsor a Summer Internship Opportunity

If you would like to offer a position, please submit the sponsor form below, and we will confirm details.
For questions and additional information, please contact Director of Alumni Relations, Melissa Mahoney Wirth '97, P'27, P'29, P'31 at internship@ryecountryday.org.

Sponsor Form


Questions? Please email: internship@ryecountryday.org.

First Name
Middle (optional)
Last Name
if different than current last name


Please briefly describe the internship you are willing to provide, as you would like listed in our database. These details will be shared with the applicants.
This internship is:
This internship is:
Are you willing to hire or host more than one student?