A Pre-Kindergarten - Grade 12 co-educational independent day school in Westchester County, New York

Middle School Cross Country Team Places in Top 3 Spots in FAA League Championship

On Thursday, November 7, the Middle School Cross Country Team had an outstanding showing in the FAA League Championship, with three RCDS runners finishing in the top 3: 

  • David L. ’29 earned first place overall in the FAA League Championship, placing first in the 8th Grade Division. In the regular season, David placed first in all six meets.
  • Koji N. ’29 took second place overall in the FAA League Championship, placing second in the 8th Grade Division. In the regular season, Koji was among the top 5 in all six meets.
  • Declan M. ’30 finished in third place overall in the FAA League Championship and placed 1st in the 7th Grade Division. In the regular season, Declan was among the top 5 in all six meets.

Congratulations to our Middle Schoolers on a great season, guided by Head Coach Trinity Sells and Assistant Coach George Lambrecht.

Go, Wildcats!

*Students who are in the RCDS Middle School at the time of publication are listed with their first names and last initials.