A Pre-Kindergarten - Grade 12 co-educational independent day school in Westchester County, New York

RCDS Hosts Athletics in College Panel Featuring Admissions Professionals and RCDS Alumni Collegiate Student-Athletes

On December 5, the Athletics Department and Office of College Counseling teamed up to host the annual Athletics in College Admissions program via Zoom. The event focused on the recruiting process for students hoping to continue their athletic careers in college. Peter Hagen, Executive Director of Admissions at Syracuse University, and RCDS alumni currently involved in college athletics joined as featured panelists to share their knowledge and experience on the process. Members of the RCDS College Counseling Office and Athletics Department offered their insights from the K-12 perspective on how RCDS supports students who may want to pursue athletics in college.

Thank you to our panelists, attendees, and proud RCDS alumni for an informative and engaging discussion.

Featured Panelists:

  • Peter Hagen, Syracuse University, Executive Director of Admissions
  • Laura Baine ’20, Wesleyan University, Lacrosse
  • Elizabeth Friedberg ’20, Cornell University, Field Hockey
  • Olivia Friedberg ’20, Cornell University, Field Hockey
  • Caroline Keating ’22, Bates College, Lacrosse
  • Luke Millowitz ’23, Denison University, Football
  • Charlotte Price ’20, Middlebury College, Lacrosse
  • Kaela Smith ’21, Williams College, Field Hockey
  • Georgette Summers, RCDS, Assistant Director of Athletics, Head Coach for Varsity Field Hockey & Girls' Varsity Lacrosse
  • Jeff Bates, RCDS, Director of College Counseling