A Pre-Kindergarten - Grade 12 co-educational independent day school in Westchester County, New York

Division Assemblies, Annual Day of Social Impact Inspire Student Activism, Honor the Legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

On Friday, January 17, students in all divisions attended assemblies to learn about and honor the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. 

Guided by the theme of activism for the greater good, each assembly started with an educational video on Dr. King’s life, leadership, and contributions to the civil rights movement.

Members of the RCDS DEI and Public Purpose teams shared presentations about different forms of activism (art, education, and community organizing) and emphasized that each and every  member of a community can be an upstander and a champion of human rights.

A special highlight of the Lower School assembly was the division-wide sing-along to “Give Light” by Ella Baker. In the Middle School, two students shared their co-created art piece inspired by Dr. King’s “I Have A Dream Speech.” In the Upper School, students practiced writing passionate, compelling, and respectful letters about community issues in which they want to effect change.

Additionally, all of the assemblies included abridged versions of Upper Schoolers’ workshops from this year’s Saturday Summit on Social Justice. The mini workshops tackled issues such as cultural appreciation versus appropriation, code-switching, and the impact of beauty standards on women of color. 

Day of Social Impact

At the annual Day of Social Impact on Saturday, community members gathered to assemble winter care packages and create greeting cards for  RCDS’s longtime community partner, Building One Community (B1C), an immigrant resource center in Stamford, CT.

Donated by RCDS families, the items in the care packages included warm hats, gloves, scarves, chapstick, coloring books, thermoses, and more. Volunteers also decorated bags and inscribed them with Dr. King’s historic quotes in three languages: English, Spanish, and Haitian Creole, representing places from which B1C clients emigrate.

It was a meaningful day of partnership and service to others.

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