A Pre-Kindergarten - Grade 12 co-educational independent day school in Westchester County, New York

Marine Biology Club Hosts Speakers from the Multidisciplinary Drifting Observatory for the Study of Arctic Climate (MOSAiC) Expedition and the Exploration Vessel Nautilus

Before Winter Break, the Marine Biology Club hosted speakers from the MOSAiC Expedition and the Exploration Vessel Nautilus.

Dr. Robert Campbell, an Associate Marine Research Scientist at the University of Rhode Island, spoke with AP Biology, AP Environmental Science, and Marine Ecology students about his work on the Multidisciplinary Drifting Observatory for the Study of Arctic Climate (MOSAiC) Expedition, the largest polar mission in history. Dr. Campbell described how he and hundreds of researchers from over 20 countries studied the Arctic to understand global climate change. He shared the expedition's challenges, including months of polar night and extreme temperatures that reached -40 degrees celsius. He also showed photos of arctic organisms and discussed encounters with arctic foxes and polar bears.
Additionally, a crew member from EV Nautilus spoke to students about the work of Nautilus Live, a division of the Ocean Exploration Trust that live streams real-time discoveries from the deep ocean using remote-operated vehicles. The presentation included fascinating videos of various inhabitants of the deep sea, including sixgill sharks, nautiloids, and sea cucumbers.

“Speaking with researchers from the field provides students with invaluable opportunities to connect classroom learning to real-world science,” said AP Biology teacher Cathie Bischoff. “Researchers bring cutting-edge knowledge and authentic experiences that make biology concepts more tangible and relevant,” she added. The student organizers of the event were equally enthusiastic. Referring to MOSAiC, one Marine Ecology and AP Biology Student shared, “The fact that hundreds of researchers from around the world united to explore the Arctic, even during the harsh polar winter, shows just how important understanding our planet is. It makes me want to contribute to projects like this in the future, where science has the potential to change the world.” 
Many thanks to the guest speakers and congratulations to the club leaders for coordinating this informative and inspiring event!


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